Helping East Texas landowners meet financial & sustainable objectives since 2000
Headquartered out of Henderson, Texas, Hope Timberland, LLC specializes in all types of timber harvesting, from Pine Plantation first thinning’s, Mixed timber select thinning’s to complete harvest. Our thinning methods are based from the landowner’s current stand of timber and their long-term goals for their property. It is Hope Timberlands goal to return to the same landowners tract of land, years later, and harvest again.
Here are just a few of our commitments to the land and landowners from Hope Timberland and our Professional Harvesting Contractors:
Protect watersheds, creeks and streams delineating Streamside Management Zones, (SMZ’s).
Careful merchandising of your timber in the woods at the loading set obtaining maximum yield from each tree.
Aggressive marketing of your timber to area mills for higher stumpage price for your timber.
All of our harvesting contractors are Pro-Logger Certified in accordance with the State of Texas BMP compliance programs.
Copies of each Lumber or Chip Mill ticket forwarded to you with weekly settlement statements.
Hope Timberland, LLC purchases timber by two methods:
Lump Sum – This type of timber purchase requires a Timber Deed and Title work. A check presented to you in exchange for your timber as agreed to and described in the Timber Deed. We usually require an 18 month time period to harvest the timber. A Timber Deed is recorded in the County Courthouse.
Pay-as-Cut – This type of timber purchase requires a Timber Agreement and Title verification. Timber products harvested or sold are specified along with a product ton price. The landowner receives a check for the sale of timber weekly or at the end of the harvest, along with all mill tickets. A Timber Agreement usually requires 12 months to harvest the timber. A Timber Agreement is not recorded in the County Courthouse.